Training and improvement in teaching standards are the key to bringing about positive change in rural Himalayan schools.
A school is only four walls until there is quality teaching inside it, that encourages a love of learning in children. First Steps Himalaya therefore invests in training local teachers in modern professional teaching methods, appropriate to the children and their culture.
Our effective, cutting edge and hands on teacher training courses support the long term professional development of teachers. Over time, they become trained in innovative and contemporary pedagogical methodologies. They are able to deliver effective learning outcomes for primary children under their care.
Our training programme has been carefully designed by our specialist education team to ensure it is culturally appropriate for success in rural village schools. Training is aimed at increasing teachers’ abilities to convey ideas in clear and convincing ways, to create effective learning environments for their students, and to foster productive teacher-student relationships. We aim to improve teachers’ skills, motivation, enthusiasm and creativity.
Teacher return to their schools with a range of ideas and activities that can easily be implemented in the classroom. Following initial training, a series of five-day follow on workshops are held at six monthly intervals. These are designed to build on teachers skills and support long-term success.
Our training covers:
Classroom and behaviour management
Use of natural materials to create resources
Lesson planning
Developing role plays
Use and care of resources
The importance of grade teaching with thematic plans
Numeracy, literacy and science
Outdoor play & physical activities
Art & creativity
Celebrating culture
What people say about our training
““ I really love what First Steps have done in terms of getting the teachers interested in becoming better teachers. We look forward to the next training and have encouraged the other remaining teachers to attend as well.”
““The course was a great success and we are so happy to have found you.”
““I learnt so much from the new training. Now, I create my own resources from local material. The children love the changes”. ”
““It is so important to have the training that First Steps Himalaya provided. It was very effective and we can already see significant changes in our school. Thank you so much for your support.” ”
““The training was wonderful. We have never had the opportunity to have this kind of training before.”